Just as those tween years are the twilight of childhood, we have a spooky tour just for tweens! Bring your tweens on a Twilight Tour and they'll be able to apply what they're learning in school, but in a spookier context. We'll learn about the bizarre ways that the French tried to settle their new colony- with legendary consequences.
Kids will learn the ancient art of communicating with spirits from long ago. Not with a Ouija Board but with something with ancient roots.
We'll also explore some of those bizarre Victorian mourning rituals- that are somehow popular on TikTok these days (so I've been told!) Kids will see creepy mementos from the past and, if they're brave enough, possibly hold something that terrifies even my fearless puppy!
We'll also use ghost hunting equipment in search of more famous ghosts- and younger ghosts.
This is an adventure tweens do not want to miss!! Younger- and older- siblings welcome to attend.